Miroslav Vasilev

Software Engineer

Work Experience


Software Engineer
- Present

Working within a team of 5 people to maintain and develop multiple Scala-based Atlassian Connect plugins


Lead Software Developer

Managed a team of up to 6 people and the necessary resources, cooperated with business analysts on functionality refinement, created specifications as well as architected, structured and described the necessary changes to ensure deadlines were met.

  • Participated in migrating a legacy .NET Framework application to latest .NET 6 over a 3-month long effort, helping rewrite 100% of our backend endpoints to fit the new ASP.NET Core specifications
  • Single-handedly rewrote from scratch a satellite project, going from .NET Framework to .NET 6, replacing EntityFramework with Dapper and overhauling the database schema to better fit current and future needs.
  • Created a novel system for generating SSRS reports by the end-user on the fly based on pre-defined components, helping alleviate the workload of our SSRS reports team
  • Planned sprints, headed development of new features, producing comprehensive technical specifications, and worked with business analysts for final refinement and delivery.
  • Participated in educating and mentoring the next generation of software engineers through the VSG Internship Program.


Software Developer

Maintained and enhanced a continuously developed fintech solution for loan origination.

  • Worked on integrating with multiple external services in a hybrid model microservice architecture, introducing additional functionality for things like credit reporting, fraud detection, compliance, and others.
  • Increased integration and unit test coverage by measurable amounts for parts of the code I worked on.
  • Enhanced a largely SQL-based data aggregation tool to encompass a greater amount of the information available for querying in the application


Junior Software Developer

Participated in 3 client projects.

  • Developed an internal vacation system project with Java 7 EE, providing HR and employees of ScaleFocus to easily coordinate PTO.
  • Developed an ecommerce solution utilizing JSP in a monolithic Spring application with Java 8 for a large bulgarian telecom.
  • Developed a health insurance application using Java 8, on a microservice architecture with Spring framework, helping clients find the best care for their coverage.


Software Developer Trainee

First dip into the professional world of software development.

  • Attained the Oracle Certified Associate certification for Java 8.
  • Learned basics of professional software development.


Personal Finances
- Present

Java 21, Spring Boot, React. An application for managing my own personal finances, with source code available on my github, though not currently hosted publicly

- Present

Rust, TypeScript, React. Born out of frustration with not having a good scheduling tool to organize our D&D group, I made a little web tool to do exactly that.

Paste Eater

Rust, JavaScript, React. A simple pastebin-inspired paste service, with supported client-side AES encryption


University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski"
Software Technology & Design


Java Frameworks & Libraries
  • Spring
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data
  • Google Guice
  • Hibernate
  • OkHttp
  • Javalin
  • ModelMapper
  • Mockito
  • JUnit
  • JSP & Thymeleaf
  • Java EE
.NET Frameworks & Libraries
  • .NET Framework
  • .NET 7
  • ASP.NET Core
  • Entity Framework
  • Dapper
  • Newtonsoft Json
  • AutoMapper
  • NLog
  • NUnit
  • Moq
  • Aspose
  • Spreadsheet Gear
Cloud & Other
  • Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • RabbitMQ
  • Kibana
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • SQL Server Reporting Services
  • SOAP Services
  • Basic Linux
  • Git
  • SVN
  • OAuth2 & OpenIDConnect
Data Persistence
  • MongoDB
  • Elasticsearch
  • T-SQL
  • SQL Server
  • PostgreSQL
JavaScript & Web
  • jQuery
  • React
  • Vite
  • Webpack
  • Material UI
  • Bootstrap
  • react-hot-toast
  • Cargo
  • rocket-rs
  • diesel-rs
  • tokio
  • axum
  • serde


C1, Advanced
Native Proficiency